"Say what you are thinking, not what you think you should say."
- Author Unknown
Clarity is Kindness. When writing your emails, communicating with friends and clients, and going about your business this week, concentrate on clarity. Clarity is when you speak your expectations to those you communicate with, rather than thinking expectations internally, hoping the other side knows your thoughts. Clarity is taking a moment to reflect on the best possible way to communicate a clear message and then responding via a quick video, an email, or a phone call, depending on which creates the least amount of chaos in the mind and life of the receiver. Clarity is telling a customer, their home smells like cat urine and it will affect the value, rather than holding back for fear of losing a listing. Clarity is telling a friend they have toothpaste on their face, rather than holding back out of embarrassment. The world is full of chaos. Real estate is full of chaos. The way humans interact and communicate is often rife with chaos. We challenge you, this week, to be the chaos killer by speaking, acting, and being part of our LAER mantra, "Clarity is Kindness."