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Issue 166 - The Difference Between Victory & Success

“Life has meaning only in the struggle. Life and death are in the hands of God. So let us celebrate the struggle.” 

- Swahili Proverb


Victory: Overcoming or Winning.


Success: A state or condition of meeting a range of expectations. 


There is an existing common belief, victory is synonymous with success. Equally, there is an existing belief that victory is synonymous with victory. The word representations, victory/success, are not synonymous, neither are the actions. There may be success without victory. Similarly, there may be victory without success. Success is the well-achieved progression to the desired outcome. Victory is the ultimate outcome. There are multiple levels (degrees) of success, while victory is to a greater degree, more defined, finite and absolute. Although there are caveats.


Three Caveats of Victory


Take Your Victory

Winning is often a collectively recognized benchmark suggesting to the Conscious Mind that they are improving or prevailing. The Subconscious Mind is fully aware, predominance of growth, learning and the need for adaptation presents in the face of obstacles. Having overcome the challenges, Victory is Achieved, take your victory.


Victory is Relative

There are endless categories relative to victory; personal, societal, cultural, economic, noting just a few. The sheer volume of categories does not allow a narrow interpretation for victory. Although paradoxically oftentimes it is. Victory Truly is Relative. 


Beware - The Price of Victory

Pyrrhic Victory - A victory inflicting such devastation to all, even the victor, it is tantamount to defeat. Such a victory negates any true sense of achievement. This ancient wisdom originated from Pyrrhus of Epirus, whose noted triumph against the Romans in the Battle of Asculum in 279 BC destroyed much of his own forces. Second and third order effects, collateral damage, at what price. Beware - The Price of Victory.


“Victory is not an event, but a process.”

- Svetlana Alexievich


“Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.”

 - Winston Churchill

- Choose Wisely -

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