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Issue 168 - The Danger of Absoluteness

The only absolute is Relativeness. 

“When you are absolutely, positively sure you know all there is to know about anything, you’re as far from the truth as you will ever be.” 

-Bobby Hull


Absolute: An idea or a principle that is Believed to be true or valid.


Belief: A degree of certainty that something is true, whether it is or is not


Degree: A unit of measurement, describing the level or intensity of something.


Relative: Considered in relation and proportion to something else.


Lexicon: The vocabulary of a language.


Subjectification: A language change process in which a linguistic expression acquires meanings that convey the speaker's attitude or viewpoint.


All Things Are Relative, Absolutely 

Being almost absolutely positive, is as good as it gets.


The Idiosyncrasies of The Absolute 

Degrees of Probability

All, None, Must, Always, and Need, are all oftentimes misused and categorized as Absolutes.  In addition, each sole word is Independently Interpreted. This creates Relative States of Probabilities for both the Communicator and the Receiver. These words as adjectives, nouns, verbs, and pronouns represent Extreme Degrees of Probability


All is typically representative of Most

None is typically representative of Very Little

Must is typically representative of Should

Always is typically representative of Most of the Time

Need is typically representative of Want


The Impossible

The Lexicon giveth Absolutes their power, and also takes it away. 

Absolutely impossible? If the Word Impossible is an Absolute, as it represents, no qualifier would be needed. The established and accepted Lexicon empowers the word, simultaneously and paradoxically disempowering that same word, through Subjectification.



All Things are Relative, Absolutely. Being almost absolutely positive, is as good as it gets. The only absolute is Relativeness


“Everything is Relative; and Only that is Absolute.”

-Auguste Comte

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